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How To Buy A Puppy

Here at True Hearted Doodles we strive to provide a healthy, well socialized, puppy that will spend the rest of their life with you and will become part of your family.

So we understand it is a big decision to add a new bundle of joy to a family.


Here are a few tips and benefits we provide that will make the transition a little easier for you and the puppy.



Socializing is the number 1 aspect in training a puppy.

We are a family of 5 and we spend a lot of time with our puppies from the day they are born until the day they become your family member.

We have a 60 acre family farm with cows and horses where our dogs and puppies get to run around and meet other animals.

Basic Training

Cuddles with the kids

 The puppies are born on washable Lennypads then moved to an area where we use pine wood shavings and Doggy Doors around 5 weeks old, where they learn to go outside to potty. This makes potty training very easy because they know outside is where to potty.

We do not recommend using pee pads in the house as the puppy may think its okay to potty inside.

We start them on leash training, and introduce them to different places outside so they get comfortable with new places.

Another thing we recently added is we give our puppies car rides at a young age, this has really helped with motion sickness for the ride home. It does not totally eliminate it but they seem to recover faster if they happen to get car sick.

We highly recommend crate training, as it exercises the bladder so they can hold it longer. We do offer crate training for 1 week after the puppy is 10 weeks old for an additional $225 if the puppy is still here.

An easy way to potty train a puppy is to have a fenced in yard or a play pen where the puppy can be free (most puppies would rather go to the bathroom when they are not on a leash) 

What Comes With My Puppy

Health Guarantee/Puppy Contract

We offer a 1 year health guarantee that states the puppy needs to be examined by a licensed veterinarian within 14 days of taking the puppy home.

It covers anything that is hereditary (passed on from the parents).

All of our dogs have been examined and approved to breed by our veterinarian, and we DNA test with Embark to ensure there no genetic diseases.

Our Golden Retrievers are OFA certified.


The puppy will be up to date with vaccines and properly dewormed. 

A copy of all the records will be provided through a Pet Portal from Breeder Cloud Pro.


All our babies are microchipped before they leave and we provide a link on the Pet Portal to for you to enroll the microchip in your name.

Collar and Leash

You receive a collar and a leash.

Puppy Food

You receive a small baggy of the food enough for a few days until you get to the pet store.

(you will find a picture of the bag on each puppies' page).  


The puppy will not be Spayed or Neutered when you take it home.

We strongly recommend getting a puppy fixed no sooner than 6-8 months of age.

That way they can handle the surgery a lot better and the dog will be healthier and can mature a lot better.

Buying A Puppy

To purchase a gorgeous bundle of joy, check out the current litters above.

We require an application which you can find on the puppy's page or in the site menu.

The puppy must be 9 weeks old before it is ready to go home with you, if you find a puppy you like, contact me via email, text, or call anytime you would like. If the puppy you like is marked available, you can reserve it by placing a deposit via PayPal, Credit/Debit Card through the Reserve Me button on the puppy's page. Or you can send the deposit through Venmo to @truehearteddoodles. I will mark the puppy sold and hold him/her until you pick up or until the shipping/transport date.

The puppy will have had the 1st wellness check at our Vet and be up to date on shots and dewormed by the time they are ready to go. Feel free to contact me if you may have any questions.

Our dogs are part of our family

February 2023

F1 Goldendoodle Puppies

March 2012

Golden Retriever

October 2013

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